“She just wants to be known”. Those five simple words filled the room. It was as though heaven stepped in, enveloping the room with a holy truth. Did she understand the magnitude of what she had just said?
With tears and trepidation, Christine* made a decision to take the abortion pill. Just days before, she had heard the heartbeat of her 6-week-old baby, but life’s circumstances made the prospect of having a child seem impossible. With immediate remorse, she searched and contacted the Abortion Pill Rescue (APR) hotline and received the necessary medication to reverse the onset of the chemical abortion she had begun. Christine called us requesting an ultrasound to see if her baby’s heart was still beating. It was in these tender and uncertain moments that life was witnessed. The beating heart of her unborn child clearly heard in the ultrasound. Relief, and over-whelming joy was clearly seen in Christine’s face. With each week’s ultrasound, a necessary part of the Abortion Pill Reversal protocol, the tiny life grew. Each time measuring according to gestational age.
Jeremiah 1:5 states “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I set you apart”
He knew every part of this story before it began. He knew we would bear witness to the greatness that IS LIFE, in the quiet of the ultrasound room. He knew Christine, and her struggle beforehand and afforded her the strength, infused her with hope, and provided the resources she needed to turn the impossible into the possible. Christine was right, her baby did want to be known.
*Name changed to protect our client's privacy
Client Services

We are thankful for the continued growth in the number of new and return clients served, with the exception of a slight decrease in 2020 due to COVID-19.
63 Births in 2021
Although outcomes are difficult to determine, as client follow-up can be challenging due to re-location, and changes in client contact information, we have confirmed 63 births in 2021.